Boba Milk Tea Recipe (2024)

Boba Milk Tea Recipe (1)

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This article and boba milk tea recipe are brought to you in collaboration withBest Food Facts. I received compensation for developing this recipe, all opinions are mine.

Boba Milk Tea Recipe (2)

Boba milk tea has become one of my favorite drinks and a foodie trend for many. I discovered this drink during a trip to California and just needed to figure out how to make real boba milk tea at home because after the first sip I cannot live without it.

Boba Milk Tea Recipe (3)

And if you aren’t a boba fan probably you don’t know what is “boba” all about. Boba is the name given to the tapioca pearls that come from the cassava plant. This pearls have fiber and do have some nutritional value. Following is my recipe for preparing cold Boba or Bubble Milk Tea.

Boba Milk Tea Recipe (4)


  • 2 cups of concentrated black tea
  • 3tablespoons of condensed milk
  • 4 tablespoons of boba in syrup (cooked tapioca pearls on syrup)
  • 1 cup of 2% lactose-free milk
  • 2 cups of crushed ice
Boba Milk Tea Recipe (5)

For cooking the tapioca pearls:

  • 2 cups of tapioca pearls
  • 3cups of water
  • 1 cup of turbinado sugar

Preparation time: 30 minutes. Serves 2 glasses 16 ounces each. You will need measuring cups and spoons and boba straws as well as a small saucepan.

Boba Milk Tea Recipe (6)

Follow these step by step instructions to make the Boba Milk Tea recipe or watch the video:

  1. First cook the boba or tapioca pearls on the stove for 10 minutes using 2 cups of water. When tender remove from the stove and cover. The consistency of the boba should be chewy and soft.
  2. In the meantime boba pearls are cooking prepare a simple syrup using 1 cup of water and 1cup of turbinado sugar. Cook in the stove for 15 minutes until getting a syrup consistency and add the cooked boba to this preparation and set aside. The syrup will add sweetness and will prevent the boba to stick together.
  3. Prepare 2 cups of concentrated black tea of your choice. I used for this recipe six packets of strong black American tea. You can use the black tea of your choice.
  4. For serving the Boba Milk Tea you will do this in layers, first add to the glass enough ice cubes or crushed ice, then 2 tablespoons of cooked boba with syrup per glass, pour 1 tablespoon of condensed milk, add black tea and finish with the cold milk.
  5. Serve with a boba straw, which is a wider straw that you can buy at the specialty stores where boba products are sold and use for stirring and drinking.
Boba Milk Tea Recipe (7)

The sweetness of theboba milk tea depends on your own taste so try first with my measurements but if for your taste needs more syrup or condensed milk add as needed. Food is a personal thing so make it to your liking.

Boba Milk Tea Recipe (8)

Boba milk tea can be enjoyed cold or hot. The creator of this sweet drink is accredited to the Chun Shui Tang Teahouse in Taichung, Taiwan. This concoction was brought to life in the 80s by Ms. Lin Hsiu Hui, the product development manager at Chun Shui Tang teahouse combining the tapioca with Taiwanese black tea, condensed milk, ice and non-dairy creamer. Boba Milk Tea is offered in many places in Taiwan and has spread out to be offered in Japan, South Korea, and China. And here in the United States has made its debut in communities where there’s strong Asian heritage like in California where I first drank this delicate and sweet tea at one of the most authentic: Gong Cha Bubble Tea and now I am hooked.

Boba Milk Tea Recipe (9)

Boba Milk Tea is traditionally made with non-dairy creamer yet I decided to prepare my boba milk tea recipe with real milk using a lactose-free, ultra- filtered, 2% reduced fat milk. Because milk is high in protein, plus, the nutrients found in milk provide many health benefits such as improved bone health, healthy blood pressure, and a reduced risk of type 2 diabetes. While my visit to California, I had the chance to get a closer look into the California Milk Industry getting a tour to a local farm invited by Best Food Facts.

Boba Milk Tea Recipe (10)

Join me cheering the summer with some homemade Boba Milk Tea!

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Chef Adriana Martin

Adriana Martin is a home chef and founder of She is a Latina food writer specializing in recipe development influenced by Mexico's culinary culture and European cuisine. Her grandmother taught her how to cook, and now her mission is to inspire others to make homemade meals. Adriana teaches online cooking classes, is a trained food stylist and photographer, and has published thousands of recipes online. She is the author of "The Best of Mexican Cooking – 75 Authentic Home-Style Recipes for Beginners", "The Super Easy Taco Cookbook," and "Taco Obsession." LATISM has recognized Adriana as one of the Top 100 most influential Latina bloggers, and Telemundo awarded Adriana the TECLA Awards under the category of best food creator.

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Boba Milk Tea Recipe (2024)
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